By: Martin

London Experience

To be one of Tesco’s strategic partners over 15 years in the field of private label packaging design for the CE region is a real honour for us. At the beginning of December, in the Mecca of packaging design – London, a part of F&Š’s team took part in workshops with regards to the current complex redesign of Tesco’s product lines. The key target of the meeting was to share the development of the conceptual design solution of the individual categories with the strategic agencies working for Tesco UK, to consult specific insights and questions concerning the individual regions and at the same time to share experiences from the project between the UK and the CE region that F&Š is responsible for.

We had a great opportunity to closely work with the creative directors of two top global brand agencies – Coley Porter Bell (a part of Ogilvy group) and jkr (Jones, Knowles, Ritchie).We were offered a very interesting and inspiring possibility to peek under the bonnet regarding both their everyday life and the running of the agencies. In our field, this is extremely valuable experience, which an agency from the Czech Republic is not offered every day.

The proverbial cherry on the top was then an invitation to the agencies’ joint charity evening at jkr, with a Christmas concert and a donator raffle for the benefit of homeless people and immigrants living in the London quarter of Camden. Fiala & Šebek’s contribution to the raffle was later exchanged for one of the prizes – an original design bottle of Chapel Down Vodka, the latest of jkr’s work in the category of spirits. We could then toast the end to a successful mission with this super premium vodka before its launch on the UK market.



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© 2014 Fiala & Šebek – Visual Communications a.s., Bořanovická 41, 182 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic • T +420 284 689 444, T +420 284 689 443 • E
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